Friday, April 29, 2005

Eugenics: A Mystery of Iniquity

The Tuskegee Experiments

On May 16th 1997, former president Bill Clinton, standing behind a podium with the seal of the United States embroidered on the face of it, exposed and apologized for the US government's role in secret experiments aimed at African American men. What was the nature of these experiments? To allegedly 'test the impact of syphillis on black men.' For more details click here.

"Beginning in 1932, the federal government sponsored a study to examine the impact of syphilis involving black men. The experiment went on until 1972 without the test subjects' knowledge, but no President had apologized to the volunteers and their families until President Clinton did so today."

That is the explanation given, but that is not the whole truth.

When you "test" something, such as via experimentation, it is because you have a hypothesis, and you do not know the true outcome? What are the odds that the US government did not know the consequences of syphillis? This of course is a complete line of B.S. Syphillis, and its consequences have been known to the medical community for centuries! Read the following to learn more on the history of Syphillis:

Famous Diseases in History

"This is an infectious disease that occurs only in humans. It is usually transmitted from one human being to another by direct contact, usually by sexual intercourse. The causative organism is a spirochete. The organism was isolated in 1905. There is no vaccine for syphilis."

Here we learn that the "organism" was isolated in 1905! It was in 1932, when the US government began its experiments.

What is not mentioned is the philosophy behind the Tuskegee experiments. The philosophy of Eugenics. Whether you dub it "postive eugenics", the encouragement of genetically superior people to have children, or "negative eugenics", preventing genetically inferior people from having children. The goals of both are the same--the so-called improvement of the human genetic stock. The fact that both ideas are purely unethical may ellude many. George Bernard Shaw wrote, "there is now no reasonable excuse for refusing to face the fact that nothing but a eugenic religion can save our civilization." It is of interest to note that the Roman Catholic Church does in fact encourage the practice of eugenics...

"But the Church, too, has a doctrine concerning marriage and its use, and also a doctrine and a method of dealing with racial defects. The Church therefore has no fault to find with race culture as such. Rather does she encourage it. But she wishes it carried out on right lines." well as segragation...

"The welfare of the State, if seriously threatened by the degenerate, could be better protected by segregation."

Fortunately, the edicts of the Holy See are not always able to prevail against the human spirit.

Although the language presented in the Catholic Encyclopedia is smooth and subtle, appearing to refer to spiritual rather than worldly affairs, the realities of such ideologies and the actions that result because of them are what really matters.

The following excerpts are from James D. Watson's book DNA:

"The American focus on getting rid of bad genes, as oppossed to increasing frequencies of good ones, stemmed from a few influential family studies (See Galton, 2nd paragraph) of "degeneration" and "feeblemindedness"--two peculiar terms characteristic of the American obsession with genetic decline...."


"Another highly influential study was published in 1912 by Henry Goddard, the psychologist who gave us the word "moron", on what he called the "Kallikak family"...two family lines originating from a single male ancestor who had a child out of wedlock (with a feeble-minded wench he met in a tavern while serving in the military....)...." p. 21

The moral of the story, according to Goddard, was that due to this union and the circumstances surrounding it, "a race of defective degenerates" were produced. What a damning assessment based on spurious analysis.


"Rigorous new methods for testing mental performance--the first IQ tests, which were introduced to the United States from Europe by the same Henry Goddard--seemed to confirm the general impression that the human species was gaining a downward momentum on a genetic slippery slope..."

" 1899, when a young man called Clawson approached a prison doctor in Indiana called Henry Sharp. Clawson's problem--or so it was diagnosed by the medical establishment of the day--was compulsive masterbation. He reported that he had been hard at it since the age of 12. Masturbation was seen as part of the general syndrome of degeneracy, and Sharp accepted the conventional wisdom (however bizarre as it may seem to us today) that Clawson's mental shortcomings--he had made no progress in school--were caused by his compulsion. The solution? Sharp performed a vasectomy, then a recently invented procedure, and subsequently claimed that he had "cured" Clawson. As a result, Sharp developed his own compulsion: to perform vasectomies. Sharp promoted his success in treating Clawson (for which, incidentally, we have only Sharp's own report as confirmation) as evidence of the procedure's efficacy for treating all those identified as being of Clawson's kind--all "degenerates""... p.26-27

"Sterilization had two things going for might prevent degenerate would prevent ["degenerates"] from passing their inferior [degenerate] genes on to subsequent generations. Sterilization, Sharp believed, offered the perfect solution to the eugenics crisis." p.27

Exactly who is labelled a degenerate is wholly relative. In the end, this is all a pseudo-scientific pretense to eliminate racial undesirables. In 1932, in the form of the Tuskeegee experiments, African Americans were the "degenerates". The establishment were fully aware of the consequences of syphilis, after all "syphilis wiped out American Indians with the same ferocity as it did in Asia, North Africa, and Europe."

" 1907 Indiana passed the first compulsory sterilization law, authorizing the sterilization of confirmed "criminals, idiots, rapists, and imbeciles." Indiana's was the first of many: eventually thirty American states had enacted similar statutes, and by 1941 some 60,000 in the United States had duly been sterilized, half of them in California alone. The laws, which effectively resulted in state governments deciding who could and who could not have children, were challenged in court, but in 1927 the Supreme Court upheld the Virginia statute in the landmark case of Carrie Buck. Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote the decision:

"It is better for all the world if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind...Three generations of imbeciles is enough." p.27

It is now known in retrospect, history reveals that caught on outside of the United States, and spread through Nazi Germany, Switzerland, and Scandanavian countries authorized similar legislation. It should be obvious to the reader that the prominent practitioners of eugenics tended to be racists who used eugenics to provide scientific justification for their racist views and promote their agendas.

Another quote from Watson,

"Although the term "white supremacist" had yet to be coined, America had plenty of them early in the twentieth century. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants [WASP], Theodore Roosevelt prominent among them, were concerned that immigration was corrupting the WASP paradise that America, in their view, was supposed to be. In 1916, Madison Grant, a wealthy New Yorker and friend of both Davenport and Roosevelt, published The Passing of the Great Race, in which he argued that the Nordic peoples are superior to all others, including other Europeans. To preserve the United States' fine Nordic genetic heritage, Grant campaigned for immigration restrictions on all non-Nordics. He championed racist eugenics policies too:

"Under existing conditions the most practical and hopeful method of race improvement is through the elimination of the least desirable elements in the nation by depriving them of the power to contribute to future generations. It is well known to stock breeders that the color of a herd of cattle can be modified by continous destruction of worthless shades and of course this is true of other characters. Black sheep, for instance, have been practically obliterated by cutting out generation of generationb all animals that show this color phase." 28-29

"..Grant's book was... an influential best-seller. Later translated into German, it appealed to...the Nazis. Grant gleefully recalled having received a personal letter from Hitler, who wrote to say that the book was his Bible." p.29

To be continued....

More on the Tuskegee ExperimentsHere


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