Thursday, April 28, 2005

Son of a Bush!

The following site has an variety of resources pertaining to the Bush-Bin Laden-Saud Family connections [here]

This link contains information on Bin Laden families ties to the now infamous [amongst Bush opponents] Carlyle Group [here]. If you have more information on these subjects please post it here as a comment on any one of the blogs posted here.

In 2004 we watched as muscle man Arnold Schwarzenegger became elected as governor of California. It is no coincidence that surrounding the Terminator's persona is the black cloud of Nazism. Why? Read here and here.

But I see another coincidence...George Bush's brother Geb Bush recently converted to Roman Catholicism. Read about it,0,4303737.story?coll=sfla-news-florida.

I have a sneaky suspicion that we will be seeing more of these two in the future. What are your thoughts and comments?


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