Thursday, April 28, 2005

The New Pope and His Past as a Hitler Youth

When Pope John Paul II passed I watched as a new pope was elected. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected. Immediately the media begin to divulge intimate details of Ratzinger's past as a Hitler youth, weaving a yarn to undermine this fact from the very start, rather than explain the subtle implications involved.

First of all, the phrase "Nazi youth camp" is unsettling. In itself, this phrase is a pure example of oxymoronic "double-speech", described in George Orwell's famous book 1984. The negative stigma associated with the word Nazi, in my mind at least, is somewhat diluted by the contradicting connatation associated with a youth camp. I've been to YMCA Youth camp. I've been to Boy Scout youth camp. What I am suggesting is that, no, Nazi youth camp is not akin to our idea of youth camp only with bad guys as scout leaders 'pushing little children with their fully automatics.'

The Nazis were engaged in radical methods of not only racial intervention but genetic intervention, more uncommonly known as "positive eugenics". This philosophy called for selective breeding to eliminate so-called "defects" [perceived external racial qualities]and to increase the number of people with the perceived 'superior' qualities.

One of my associates, when the topic of Ratzinger's past as a Hitler youth was brought up, parroted the exact same thing the media had been saying-- "he escaped...he was forced...he was a youth...he atones...apologetic to the Jews..."

When I mentioned the strict prejudice in the selectivity with which Nazi youth were 'drafted' or 'bred' she went on to suggest, "Well perhaps they did in the beginning [of the war] but after some time they simply picked [any one who could bear arms]"[Read here the sympathetic view].

What she was suggesting was that perhaps Cardinal Ratzinger was one of those non-conforming rejects who otherwise would not have fit the bill as a home grown Nazi youth, (hair simply wasnt blonde enough, eyes not blue enough) but since the Allies were kicking their asses they had no room to complain. [Hear son, take this rifle and dont stop shooting until you see the whites of their eyes, or at least i think that's how that quote goes]

Was this the case? Or was he a Nazi youth, like many others who were ultimately [im] planted by the Nazi's, deeply traumatized and brain-washed and then harvested by the Catholic church? Why allow such precious hardware go to waste?

Is this so absurd? Hitler himself considered himself to be a Catholic! In her book, The Christ Conspiracy, Archaya S, points out that:

"Hitler also remarked to one of his generals: "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remains so."

She goes on to add that whether or not Hitler was a true christian is debatable. This is beside the point. The question I ask is whether or not Hitler saw himself as a Catholic and whether or not the Catholic church received him as one or condemned him like so many other 'heretics' throughout the churches history. The evidence suggests that, no, Hitler was not condemned, nor the Nazi's, they were allies of the Roman Catholic church!

According to Archaya S,

"In addition, Hitler's paternal grandmother was allegedly Jewish. But Hitler himself was raised a Roman Catholic, and was very much impressed by the power of the church heirarchy. He pandered to it and used it and religion as a weapon. All during his regime, Hitler worked closely with the Catholic church, quashing thousands of lawsuits against it and exchanging large sums of money with it. In addition, thousands of Nazis were later given safe passage by the Vatican, as well as by multinational governmental agencies, to a number of locales, including North and South America, via the "Ratline" from Germany through Switzerland and Italy."

"In reality," Archaya continues, "Hitler was only building on a long line of imputation against the Jews as "Christkillers," a charge used numerous times over the centuries whenever the Catholic church wanted to hold a pogrom against common Jews and seize their assets. The events of WWII, in fact, were the grisly culmination of a centuries old policy, started by the Church and continued by Martin Luther, as was well known by Hitler. Indeed, Hitler was embraced as a Christian instrument, as Walker relates:

The rise of Hitler's Germany provides an interesting case in point, showing a nation swept by militaristic sentiment coupled with a sense of divine mission. The churches accepted Hitler's warmongering with religious joy. In April 1937, a Christian organization in the Rhineland passed a resolution that Hitler's word was the law of God and possessed "divine authority". Reichsminister for church affairs Hans Kerrl announced: "There has arisen a new authority as to what Christ and Christianity really are--that is Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler is the true" And so the pious gave him their blessing, and the church's gave him God's."

Getting back to Ratzinger (once again the lighter side) it possible that Ratzinger was and is still of Nazi sympathizers who have been hidden within the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church? Is he the Nazi equivalent of the Manchurian candidate? Share your thoughts here and post your comments.

Does anyone know what the name Ratzinger means per chance? Post it in the comments.


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